Healthy Indian Snacks for Toddlers & Kids
Hello Everybody,
How was Christmas? Did you try baking some cake from healthy bakes of kitchenkathukutty? Did the short guide help you with easy baking? If you have successfully made any of the recipes do write to me with a picture. Now that the holiday season is on I hope kids will be having fun at home and parents will be wondering to engage kids and to make them eat healthily, especially with snacking
Today’s post is a collection of healthy homemade snacks recipes which can be made and stored for 3 days to 15 days(depending on the recipe). I share my healthy meal plan and snack menu on my page and in my FB community
Healthy Indian Snacks for Toddlers & Kids:
The recipes given below are mostly Indian and they are made without the use of unhealthy ingredients(white sugar, maida, artificial ingredients). So you can offer them without any guilt for your kids.
They are 100% safer, better, healthier for babies(minus sweetener and salt), toddlers and kids.
I would suggest them as the best alternative to store-bought packed snacks since they are totally made without unhealthy ingredients and additives/preservatives. Few of you might be puzzled that I have included even deep-fried items and tagged them as healthy. Deep-fried foods, if made at home with the right oil and if had in moderation is not harmful to anybody (except for specific medical conditions). Homemade murukku /chakli made with coconut oil is definitely healthier than any packet snack you get outside (even if claimed baked/zero oil etc). This is my humble view.
Deep fry foods when taken occasionally and in moderation will not create any harm, provided your lifestyle is healthy otherwise and you don’t suffer from any other clinical conditions which strictly puts you under “Zero Oil Food”
I have given a link below where a doctor shares his views on the same.
If you can understand Tamil, please watch after 9 th minute of this video- Dr.Sivaraman speaks about homemade snacks vs store-bought packed snacks
Healthy Indian Snacks for Toddlers & Kids:
Click on the images for recipes
The shelf life will differ for each recipe. Please look into the individual link for details.
These snacks can be offered to babies above 6 months without sugar, salt, honey and milk.
Please look into each recipe and decide the age group to which it would be suitable.
Ensure to have introduced the individual ingredients separately and eliminate allergies.
Make sure to store them right.
Please be careful about the quantity of intake. Moderation is the key for healthy intake.
If a recipe has food colour, please skip it for kids if you are making it regularly.
For babies below one year, animal milk and honey shouldn’t be offered.
Kindly have a word with your doctor before introducing any new food.
Please eliminate all allergies and look into the family history of allergies before trying any new ingredient.
Please do not forget to stay tuned with me by liking my facebook page here or follow me on Twitter or PINTEREST. You can also receive all my recipes in your mailbox by providing your mail id here. Do share this with your kith and kin. If you have a picture of recipe tried from my blog kindly share with me.I am privileged to share them in my page